Available applications

In the Application Catalog, you can browse all applications available to your utility and request licenses. All utility roles have access to this page. To open the Application Catalog:

  • Click Application Catalog in the navigation menu.

The top-level page displays applications grouped by category (for example, Operations or Grid Reliability). Or you can use filters to view only the applications that interest you (for example, by license status or device compatibility). Each application's entry displays an image, the title, if your utility has licensed the application, a brief description, and the number of devices your utility has installed the application on. You can view additional information by clicking each application.

Field name



The number of licenses your utility has been granted for the application.


The number of licenses your utility has requested for the application.

Latest version

The newest version number of the application.


The amount of storage space consumed used on each meter running the application, after it is deployed and running.


A list of languages in which the application is available. This field is not used at this time.


The name of the organization that developed the application.

Your usage

The number of devices in the current tenant's meter population that are currently running the application.

Total usage

The number of devices in all the utility’s tenants that are running the application.

Device types

A list of the specific device types that support the application.

Similar applications

A list of other applications in the Application Catalog that are like the one you are viewing.

Note:  For more information about viewing the license usage of applications you have already licensed, see Displaying applications deployed on select devices, Displaying usage information for applications and versions, or Exporting an application usage report.