Exporting an application usage report

Exporting application usage reports allows you to view the usage of all applications (and versions) across all devices. The application usage report is a CSV file of applications with consumed licenses and their status on the meter population. All utility roles have permissions to perform this task.

  1. On the Applications view (displays details of all applications), click Exports and select Usage.

    The Itron Enterprise Application Center (EAC) queues the creation of the CSV file. The file name uses the format applications-global-install-usage-<time stamp>.csv...

    ...where <time stamp> is the time stamp, in Unix seconds, when the file was created by the ProdAbbrev.

  2. Navigate to the Exports page by clicking Exports in the navigation menu.

    The Exports page displays all the exports you have requested. The Exports page is available to all utility roles.

  3. When export's status is Completed, click the name to download the file to your computer (at your browser's default location).

The columns of the application usage report export file are:




The name of the license request.


The name of the application.


The application version number.


The tenant the licenses are associated with.

License used

The number of licenses consumed through installations of that version.

Total licenses used

The number of licenses consumed across all installations.

Adoption (%)

The percentage of application version instances installed and running, installing, or installed but not running compared to other versions.


The number of application version instances currently installing on devices.


The number of application version instances installed and running on devices.


The number of application version instances installed but not running on devices.