Installing an application but delaying start

This task is an alternative method of installing an application that delays the application from running after installation. This can help schedule network activity or pre-load an application. All utility roles have permissions to perform this task.

  1. On a Devices / Device Group page (displays details of one device group), click the Device List tab.

    Tip:  A Device List tab can also be found on an Applications / Application page (displays details of one application).

    Tip:  The information on this page automatically refreshes every 24 hours. To manually retrieve the newest information about the application, click Refresh.

  2. To install an application on all devices in the group, from the dropdown menu, select Install Application and click Perform Action.


    To install an application on a single device, click the icon in the row and select Install Application.

  3. Select an application to install from the Application dropdown menu.

  4. Select a version of the application to install from the Version dropdown menu. For Utility Managers, the only selectable application versions are those that have been approved by a Utility Tester.

    Tip:  If some devices in the device group have firmware versions that are incompatible with the application version being installed, the installation job fails on those devices, but runs on the other devices.

  5. Select a license set to use for this installation from the License Set dropdown menu. Available license sets are those that are not expired and not depleted.

  6. (Optional) Modify the date and time the application installation job starts with the Job Start Date. The default is to start immediately. Valid dates can be up to three months in the future and cannot be after the selected license set's end date.

    Tip:  Selecting a future date and time can help you schedule installations based on anticipated network usage.

  7. (Optional) Modify the time limit (in days) for the job with the Group Time Limit. The default value is 7 days.

    Important!  The default value is recommended for most networks. Contact Itron Support before editing this value. Most jobs complete within this time limit, but network usage and the utility environment can impact performance. If the install job is not completed when this time limit is reached, the job displays a status of Completed (if it was able to complete on some devices) or Failed (if it did not complete on any devices). For more information, see Jobs.

  8. (Optional) Modify the Start Automatically toggle. The default is enabled (the application automatically starts after it completes installation on the devices). Disable the toggle to not automatically start the application after it completes installation.

    Tip:  If Start Automatically is disabled, you can start the application later. For more information, see Starting an application.

  9. (Start Automatically enabled only) (Optional) Modify the date and time the application starts with Application Start Date. The default is to start immediately after installation.

  10. Click Install.

    The installation process begins, a notification displays a link to the installation job, and the status column displays progress.

    • Installing. The install group is being formed. Block transfer and initial configuration are being calculated and applied.

    • Installed. License and license activation are being processed.

    • Ready. All operations completed, but the application is not running.

    Troubleshooting:  If no response or a 500 error is returned for the job, it automatically enters a paused state. For more information on paused jobs, see Resuming or canceling paused jobs.