Navigation Pane

The navigation pane lists the workbenches available to you and the navigation nodes that make up the selected workbench (for more information, see Workbench Panel). Each node opens a view that provides access to a category of FDM database records, settings, properties, events, objects, or components.

If you are logged on to the FDM server as a system administrator, you have access to view and modify settings and information in the System Administration workbench. Tasks performed in this workbench affect all business units.

If your FDM user account is assigned to a single business unit, the nodes in the Business Administration and Dashboard workbenches provide you access only to the records, settings, properties, and other information for that business unit. If your FDM user account is assigned to two or more business units, a drop-down business unit selector appears at the top of the navigation pane in the Business Administration and Dashboard workbenches. In this case, the nodes you see in the navigation pane and the information they give you access to pertain only to the business unit displayed in the business unit selector. The Work Orders, Reporting, Acceptance, Invoicing/Rev Rec, and Inventory workbenches give you access to settings and information for all business units to which your user account is assigned. The tasks you can perform in each workbench are determined by the FDM permissions assigned to your user type and user role (for more information, see User Identities and Roles).

All FDM server client users can view and modify settings in the My FDM workbench. Changes you make in this workbench affect only your own FDM user account.

You can temporarily hide the navigation pane by clicking in the pane’s upper-left corner to make more room for the display pane. Re-display the navigation pane by clicking .