Display Pane
The FDM window’s display pane shows the view for the selected navigation node. The view lists the database records, settings, properties, events, objects, components, or other information to which the selected node gives you access. For some nodes, the display pane is divided into two sub-panes, a contents pane and a details pane. For other nodes, it contains only a contents pane.
At the tops of the contents and details panes are the command toolbars. Each toolbar consists of buttons for adding, modifying, or deleting items listed in the pane or for performing other tasks that pertain to them. The command buttons in the contents pane toolbar apply to all listed items in the pane. Command buttons in the details pane apply only to the selected item in the contents pane. Some buttons may be inactive at times. The only ones that are active are those that are applicable to a given situation and the task you are performing.
A paging toolbar appears below the contents pane’s command toolbar in views that contain a long list of items. Its purpose is to help you navigate through the pages of items in the list.