Adjust Clock to System Time

If the device is not synced to the network, this window is available. Use this function to manually change the device's clock to match your computer's system time. When you click Next, the system asks you to verify your choice. If you select Yes, then the time is adjusted and the window displays the new device time.

Field label


Device Time

The current UTC time on the device's internal clock.

System Time

The current UTC time on your computer.

Note: Manipulate the time on your computer to perform tests that involve a time span.

Delta Time

The difference between the time on the device's internal clock and your computer's time.

If the device is synced to the network, this page is not visible in the workflow menu structure. Other options are available for adjusting time in network-synchronized devices.

Automatic Adjustment

The device's time is corrected automatically based on network time synchronized by an NTP server. The network propagates Internet Time Protocol (ITP) time through the network and checks each device to confirm that it is within time drift thresholds.

The following parameters in the head-end system control this behavior.

  • Time Drift Adjustment Threshold (seconds). The lower threshold when a device's time is corrected. For example, if this parameter is set to five seconds, a device whose time is less than five seconds off is ignored. Only when the time is wrong by five or more seconds is it corrected. This is to minimize processing load on the network.
  • Time Drift Error Threshold (seconds). The upper threshold when a device's time is corrected. For example, if this parameter is set to 120 seconds, a device whose time is two or more minutes off is ignored. This is to allow time span testing to proceed.

Manual Adjustment

If a synchronized device's time is wrong by an amount outside the threshold set in the Time drift fields, use one of the following:

Head-End System: Use the Time Synchronization job.

FDM: See Synchronize Device Clock to Network.